Aruba Clearpass and Juniper Switch Integration for 802.1X Authentication and Access List Mapping

This article from Juniper does a fantastic job of explaining Clearpass and Juniper Switch integration so I won’t recreate the wheel here, but I wanted to share one caveat that I experienced with this:

Here is an example of the Juniper switch filters or Access Control Lists. Notice that the “IT-Admin” name is just the role that Clearpass sends over to the switch once Clearpass completes the role mapping process for a user authentication.

set firewall family ethernet-switching filter IT-Admin term Block_Internal_Server from destination-address
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter IT-Admin term Block_Internal_Server then discard
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter IT-Admin term Allow_All then accept
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter SonyLaptop term Block_Internal_Server from destination-address
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter SonyLaptop term Block_Internal_Server then discard
set firewall family ethernet-switching filter SonyLaptop term Allow_All then accept

The only issue I saw was when testing this was when I had created my service, role mappings, etc in Clearpass with a new role, but had not yet created this matching filter/ACL on the Juniper switch side. So, what would happen is Clearpass would show the user authentication and the correct role mapped, but the user wouldn’t have access. I wrongly assumed that the Juniper would assign a default role so that essentially no filter/ACL would match and the user would simply be allowed full access, but that was not the case. Without a specific filter/ACL for that role sent from Clearpass, the user will not have access.

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